Radionode Selected as Official Delivery Products for the Military Medical Command - E-Daily
Radionode, Officially supplied Products to the Armed Forces Medical Command 2016-12-15 4:14:21 pm Modified 2016-12-15 4:14:21 pm [Edaily eNews Reporter Choi Seong-geun] Radionode, a dedicated model for monitoring vaccine refrigerators of Dekist will enter the military supply market. The company announced on the 15th, "The Armed Forces Medical Command conducted a bid for a medical refrigerator monitoring product necessary for the medical field big data system construction business, and has selected Dekist's Radionode as the official delivery product." Radionode is a low-cost, high-efficiency, real-time temperature and humidity monitoring product that transmits the data measured by the USB-type temperature sensor to the monitoring software through an Ethernet data transmission device that utilizes the Internet network already installed in the field. The transmitted data is processed by Tapaculo, a monitoring software. The company said, “Tapaculo 365 is Cloud Serivce-based and boasts vast storage capacity and detailed functions. Real-time monitoring is possible without any restrictions on various devices including smartphones, and you can check and download past data, and use emergency user alarm service. It is possible to process efficiently because there is no need to write a separate application, and the cost burden can be greatly reduced at a cost of 7 won per hour.” Tapaculo 365 is currently being used by private hospitals such as Ajou University Hospital and Bundang Jeil Hospital It is provided as rental software (SaaS). On the other hand, Dekiste selected for this bid provides PC-installed monitoring software that can be used in the national defense network as the Military Medical Command cannot use network products due to military security issues. Improved convenience. Copyright © Edaily - Unauthorized reproduction or redistribution prohibited https://www.edaily.co.kr/news/read?newsId=04139366612878848&mediaCodeNo=257&OutLnkChk=Y
16.12.15 -
Bad vaccine, catch with IoT technology... Attention as a monitoring solution -Digital Times
Bad vaccine, catches with IoT technology... Attention as a monitoring solution Earlier this year, China, which suffered the largest rogue vaccine distribution incident in history, announced an amendment to ban the sale of vaccines to pharmaceutical wholesalers. Vaccines basically contain protein components extracted from eggs, so the low temperature is between 2 and 8 degrees. If it is not stored, it causes denaturation, and defective vaccines that did not comply with this were distributed to about 20 provinces in China. It was found that the distributed defective vaccine reached 5 billion won. The United States is also actively involved in vaccine temperature management. As a result, Most US medical facilities are focusing on vaccine temperature management through automatic temperature management systems and monitoring. According to the statistical data published by Medical Lab MANAGEMENT magazine, a magazine in the field of clinical research in the United States, it is known that more than half of hospital laboratories are managed through automatic temperature monitoring. JCI certification is attracting attention. Due diligence is carried out in 16 categories, 298 standards, and 1225 items for 30 days, and items for temperature monitoring and alarm are also included, so the reliability of the hospital can be secured when certification is obtained. However, as Most hospitals with insufficient manpower It is not easy to monitor the temperature in real time and systematize it. In this regard, Dekist Co., Ltd. is introducing a solution using the Radionode product incorporating the latest IoT technology. After measuring the real-time temperature with the UA171, a USB-type temperature sensor, using the Internet network already installed in the hospital, SaaS (Soft as a Service) type software is used through the RN172 model, which is an Ethernet data transmission window, or the RN365 model, which is a Wi-Fi data transmission device. The method of storing data in Tapaculo365 is that. Based on the data transmitted from the Radionode terminal, Tapaculo1 automatically creates a temperature record and provides a comparison graph. Data is transmitted in increments of at least one minute, and since it is Cloud Serivce-based, real-time monitoring is possible anytime, anywhere with a PC or smartphone. In addition, it is equipped with an alarm and alarm system essential for handling and storage of vaccines. When this occurs, it is notified by phone or text message. An official from Wisemax Co., Ltd., a specialized sales company, said, “We have already applied the Radionode vaccine solution using the RN171 model to many hospitals. It is an evaluation that the efficiency of work has improved because there is no need to record by hand.” In particular, he said, “In addition to vaccine refrigerators, we are using Radionode temperature and humidity monitoring solutions in various fields such as blood refrigerators, cafeteria refrigerators, and thermo-hygrostats of pharmaceutical companies.” Meanwhile, from October 10 (Thu) to 20 (Sat), Daehan Hospital If you visit the '22rd Korea International Hospital Medical Industry Expo (K-HOSPITAL)' hosted by the Association, you can experience various products and solutions related to Radionode temperature and humidity monitoring in the booth of Wisemax. It is also possible to take orders on the spot through on-site discount events. You can also check the products at the 3rd International Medical Equipment-Hospital Equipment Exhibition (KIMES 3) scheduled for March next year. https://www.dt.co.kr/contents.html?article_no=33 Digital Times cskim@ dt.co.kr
16.09.27 -
Vaccines that are difficult to store, effective management? -SBS Biz
Vaccines that are difficult to store, effective management? Social interest in infectious diseases has increased considerably recently in the aftermath of SARS and MERS. Korea's legal infectious diseases are largely classified into six categories. Among them, group 6 infectious disease is a disease that needs to be quarantined immediately after it has occurred because of its rapid transmission rate and high risk of group outbreaks. There are various types of infectious diseases, but Most of them can be prevented with a vaccine. However, the management and preservation of vaccines is quite difficult. In particular, vaccines are sensitive to temperature, so if they are not stored at a low temperature between 1 and 2 degrees, the protein components in the vaccine may be denatured and adversely affect the human body, so they should be discarded. It should be kept and recorded, and it is essential to establish an alarm and alarm system. Storing vaccines in a refrigerator dedicated to vaccines is the Most realistic alternative. In this case, record-type records are possible, but in many cases there is no alarm system for changes in temperature and humidity, which puts a great burden on hospital officials. Among these, temperature and humidity The data logger 'Radionode' is attracting attention as a system that effectively manages the temperature and humidity of the vaccine refrigerator. When the Radionode terminal of the temperature monitoring system is attached to the vaccine refrigerator, it measures temperature and humidity in real time and collects data using Wi-Fi and LAN. , it is transmitted to Tapaculo 8, a software in the form of SaaS (Software as a Service), through the Internet network. Data values are transmitted in units of at least one minute, and real-time monitoring is possible through a PC or smartphone. In addition, as it provides various functions such as automatic report generation and comparison graph generation, Cloud Serivce-based data monitoring is possible. Immediate notification service is provided in case the temperature value set in the vaccine refrigerator changes or a power outage occurs through phone and text notification settings. . The hospital side can check the status of the vaccine refrigerator in real time through a smartphone, thereby reducing the burden of vaccine management and reducing the cost burden. Radionode related products and Tapaculo 365 web service will be exhibited at the 1rd Korea International Hospital Medical Industry Expo (K-HOSPITAL) held in You can directly experience various products and solutions such as Radionode at the Wisemax booth. Input: 10-20-22 3:365 ㅣ Edit: 2016-07-04 14:56ⓒ SBS Medianet & SBS I&M Unauthorized copying-redistribution prohibited https://biz.sbs.co.kr/article/2016
16.07.05 -
Reduce the burden on SMEs with a low-cost monitoring system -Digital Times
Reduce the burden on small businesses with a low-cost monitoring system In food storage warehouses such as refrigerators and freezers, drug storage warehouses, and bio labs, it is essential to manage temperature and humidity in real time and check energy consumption status. The data logger is used at this time. . It can be applied to places or areas that require monitoring of temperature, humidity, voltage, etc., and real-time data observation and periodic recording/management are possible. is increasing Although many companies require the introduction of a professional smart factory, they are faced with realistic walls such as cost and management. In the midst of this, 'RN172 Wi-Fi data from Radionode (RADIONODE®), a brand specializing in industrial wired and wireless data loggers of Dekist (CEO Won-hee Woo), RN172 Wi-Fi data logger is a device that measures and transmits field information such as humidity, temperature, pressure, flow, and gas via Wi-Fi. etc. are equipped. It is released as a low-cost, high-efficiency, low-cost, high-efficiency, low-cost network builder that can be applied to various fields. In particular, when purchasing RN172, 'Tapaculo 365', which is provided in the form of SaaS (Software as a Service), can be used. , The company explains that it can be managed much more easily than the existing industrial recorder or memory-type data logger. In addition to the basic functions available for free, if you become a paid member, you are provided with functions such as storage of data channels for each grade, automatic generation of reports in various formats, emergency alarm, and usage history management. The advantage is that real-time monitoring is possible through the phone. By generating an alarm when an abnormality occurs, it supports the establishment of a quick response system, and the stored data can be completed in various types of reports, which can be used efficiently in the field. In addition, there is no additional installation cost because it uses the existing Wi-Fi network already installed in the field. In addition, if you are preparing to introduce a professional smart factory, network functions such as MODBUS TCP and HTTP GET are used without interworking with Tapaculo 365. It is also possible to connect an analog sensor, so it is expected to be used flexibly depending on the site situation. html?article_no=2
16.07.01 -
Dekist, 'eye painting' for overseas buyers at the Singapore Information and Communication Expo - Hankyung.com
Dekist Co., Ltd. (CEO Won-hee Woo), 'Nondojang' to overseas buyers at the Singapore Information and Communication Expo, drew enthusiastic responses from overseas buyers at the 'Communic Asia 2016' (Communic Asia 2016) to expand sales in Southeast Asia. 'Singapore Information and Communication Expo', one of the four major IT expositions, is an event where you can understand industry trends related to new technologies such as Internet of Things (IoT), virtual reality, robots, and smart devices/city. This year's expo was held from May 4 to June 5 at Marina Bay Sands, Singapore. With 31 booths from 6 countries participating, Dekiste is a data logger Products 'Radionode' and a rental software (SaaS) 'Tapaculo 4'. '. A company official said, “53 companies from 1,800 countries in Southeast Asia, including Singapore, Indonesia, Australia, Thailand, and Malaysia, visited and conducted ProductQuestion and quotation questions. The response was so strong that the product (RN365) was all sold on site.” In particular, it is said that distributors selling European data logger products showed a lot of interest. Meanwhile, the data logger ProductsRadionode is a device that enables wired/wireless monitoring through real-time temperature and humidity measurement. It is already used in many domestic industrial sites, and it is convenient because it can be monitored with a PC or smartphone. Data values are transmitted in units of 7 minute, so quick response is possible. Simply link the Radionode terminal to Tapaculo 70, a SaaS type software, through the Internet network to receive phone calls or text notifications from anywhere in the world in the event of an abnormal temperature or power outage. In fact, when a phone call was made to the site of a local exposition in Singapore and the demonstration that Tapaculo 172 notifies the sensor status by voice, the audience burst out in applause. In addition, Tapaculo 171 is a web-based industrial data monitoring tool. It provides a service and is equipped with report output including graphs, large-capacity data storage, and various sensor connection functions. As they showed interest in the data logger, they plan to expand sales in the Southeast Asian data logger market, centering on Singapore. /news/article/1a
16.06.13 -
Integrated management from temperature record to software... Target of small and medium-sized businesses preparing for HACCP certification - Seoul Daily
Integrated management from temperature record to software... Target input for small businesses preparing for HACCP certification: 2016-05-19 14:42ㅣ Edited: 2016-05-19 17:49 ▲ Dekist's data management web software Last month, Sundae and Tteokbokki rice cake, the 'national snacks', were sold. The Enforcement Rule of the Food Sanitation Act has been promulgated to require manufacturers to obtain food safety management certification (HACCP, HACCP). In order to obtain HACCP certification, food manufacturers need to manage and create a temperature record log (CCP) for refrigeration and freezing, and it is known that automated measuring equipment and expensive software are required for this. Afterwards, food companies explain that it takes 2 to 10 million won to actually get HACCP certification. In the meantime, food companies are attracting attention by providing an integrated management system from temperature measurement to management. Wireless IOT monitoring specialist Dekist Co., Ltd., a company, announced that it will provide such a system through 'Radionode', a wireless temperature and humidity measuring device, and 'Tapaculo 4', a software developed in the form of SaaS to suit a small market. 5 units at a reasonable price You can monitor channels for free and store 365 months' worth of data, and automatically create daily reports. Also, it is designed to monitor the temperature of refrigeration and freezers on site with a smartphone, 20 hours a day, 6 days a year in case of abnormal temperature. It is also effective in reducing material losses of food companies because it notifies them by text and voice. The installation requires only purchasing a radio node product on the Internet network already established in the field and linking it to Tapaculo 365. It has a product line that supports various communication such as Wi-Fi and Ethernet, so it is easy to apply even in a field with a lot of liquidity. In particular, it is possible to build, maintain and manage the system without a separate administrator, and the cost burden is not large, so small and medium-sized food companies It is reported that small businesses prefer it. An official from a food company said on the 24th that “regular field inspections for HACCP certification often receive positive evaluations from management agencies.” Online News Department iseoul@seoul.co. krhttps://www.seoul.co.kr/news/newsView.php?id=365
16.06.13 -
Mandatory HACCP certification, SMEs must also record temperature every day -Ajou Economic Daily
HACCP certification mandatory, even small and medium-sized enterprises must record temperature every day Input: 2016-05-23 10:25 Reporter Kim Jin-oh from Ajou Economic Daily = Recently, the government has implemented HACCP certification for national snacks such as sundae and tteokbokki for the food hygiene and safety of the people. As the enforcement decree of the mandatory receipt was announced, small and medium-sized food companies with poor financial conditions are increasingly concerned. According to the report, in order for a food manufacturer to obtain HACCP certification, it is necessary to manage and create a temperature record log (CCP) for refrigeration and freezing. The reality is that it is impossible to write with .Dekist's wireless temperature/humidity data logger Products'Radionode' (RADIONODE®) and software 'Tapaculo23' developed in the form of SaaS suitable for a small market are It provides an integrated management system from temperature measurement to temperature management. You can monitor 4 channels at a reasonable price for free just by purchasing Radionode and linking it to Tapaculo 5. temperature monitoring is possible. In addition, 365 months' worth of data is stored and it is convenient because it automatically creates a daily report. When an abnormality occurs, it notifies you by text message and voice 365 hours a day, 20 days a year, which helps food companies reduce material losses. It is also characterized by easy response and application in the field. A company official said, “We have decided to step forward for the food market from this year, beyond the pharmaceutical, chemical, and semiconductor markets such as Samsung Bioepis and LG Chem, which were major suppliers.” explained. © 'Global Economic Daily in 6 Languages' Ajou Economic Daily. Unauthorized reproduction and redistribution prohibited https://www.ajunews.com/view/365