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  • UA20-C
  • UA20-C
  • UA20-C
  • UA20-C
  • UA20-C
  • UA20-C
  • UA20-C
  • UA20-C
  • UA20-C
  • UA20-C
  • UA20-C
  • UA20-C
  • UA20-C
  • UA20-C

DAQ 0-1V Transmitter (2CH)

Connect all sensors with 0-1V output, 1-5V signal possible (connect 150 ohm resistor)
Connection sensor: 0-1V output sensor (2CH)
Real-time output of sensor measurement values ​​via USB
Event setting function (supported from Ver 1.4 or later)
· Calibration software provided
· Windows, Android, Linux
· Component: UA20-C (1 pc.)
· Additional device for web monitoring: RN17Xplus sensor data transmitter

UA20-C, 0-1V Digital Transmitter

Local monitoring by connecting to a smartphone or PC
Remote monitoring by connecting to RN17Xplus

  • Image area
    high accuracy reliable

    Sending the manufacturer's calibration certificate

  • Image area
    IoT environment digital output

    0-1V output switching, 2 channels supported

  • Image area
    replaceable sensor comfortable

    Proceed with calibration by unplugging it like USB

pressure, flow, gas, etc. 0-1V voltage output digital telautograph, UA20-C

A sensor that outputs data via USB, prepared for IoT

  • 0-1V output sensor 2 channels
    Manage at the same time.

  • The sensor is the same as before,
    Values ​​are output digitally.

  • for setting the scale value
    Provides correction SW.

  • Various event modes
    can be set.

  • Monitoring for local/remote
    Software support.

  • user software
    Data can be transmitted.

How to connect Radionode UA sensor
UA20-C, 0-1V transmitter Features
  • Basic sensor, high accuracy
    Basic sensor, high accuracy

    The UA20-C digitally converts the 0-1V output of various sensors such as pressure, flow, gas, etc. It has built-in scaler values ​​and provides calibration software. It also supports various event modes.

  • Trending IoT, digital data output
    Trending IoT, digital data output

    It is automatically recognized as a USB-SERIAL device in Windows, Mac, Android and Linux using USB CDC.
    Do you know the AT command used in the phone line modem? You can easily get sensor information with AT command only. Get information easily with AT commands instead of 4-20mA output.

  • Easy maintenance, calibration by pulling out like USB
    Easy maintenance, calibration by pulling out like USB

    In Korea, it is recommended to calibrate the sensor once a year to check the accuracy of the sensor. Since the UA Series is a USB type sensor, calibration and sensor replacement are very convenient. Ah! You can use it simply by plugging it into a USB port without any installation work, so cost savings can be realized now.

  • Remote monitoring, software provided
    Remote monitoring, software provided

    The advantage of UA products is that they enable real-time recording. We have prepared a variety of software to enable real-time recording with only UA devices. There are Tapaculo Lite (a program for PC) and Tapaculo Mobile (an Android app). After installing the software, connect the UA device to USB.

UA20-C, 0-1V transmitter How to use
  • Various software development and IoT industrial environment construction
    Various software development and IoT industrial environment construction

    Temperature transmitter with USB output

    When a temperature sensor is connected to a general temperature transmitter, the temperature value is output as a current, so it is very difficult to process with software, and it is difficult to build an IoT environment in the industrial field. To solve this problem, a temperature transmitter with USB output has been developed.

  • The sensor is the same, the output is digital
    The sensor is the same, the output is digital

    0-1V output sensor interlock

    The UA20-C can connect up to two sensors with 0-1V output that were previously used. The measured value is converted to digital and output.

  • Smart and convenient maintenance
    Smart and convenient maintenance

    Dedicated calibration software

    The UA20-C voltage transmitter with second-to-second measurement, manufacturer-specific calibration software enables precision control at no additional cost.

  • smart data management program
    smart data management program

    Provides various software according to the usage environment

    We provide 3 types of ready-to-wear sensor data monitoring software for free, such as a Cloud Serivce version, a PC version, and an Android version. If you need it, please request the SDK.

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