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  • Ultra-precision sensor Measured values, real-time transmission to the Cloud Serivce!

    Anytime, anywhere, wherever you are now, the site

  • Various management points, Start integrated monitoring!

    Various types of gases such as temperature, humidity, and carbon dioxide are perfect at a glance.

Service overview
radionode365, For remote integrated management Smart supporter

Anytime, anywhere, wherever you are, just sign in now

  • Temperature

  • PH

  • pressure

  • Hydrogen sulfide

  • Ethylene

  • flux

  • Humidity

  • ammonia

  • Hydrochloric acid

  • VOC

Numerous sensors, go directly to record data? Radionode365 IOT sensor data management service Sign in!

If you measure temperature, pressure, gas, etc. at regular intervals, a lot of data is generated. Record the accumulated data well,
It takes a lot of time and money to manage that recorded information. If your company measures temperature or gas or has a sensor,
If you're still handwriting on paper, you need the Radionode365 monitoring system.
Already, many customers such as electronics, food, energy, medical care, logistics, etc. are conveniently managing integrated remotely.

Sign in too!

Technology applied to Radionode365
01 Our service uses a DBMS exclusively for BIG DATA.

We provide service members with inquiry of all sensor data for 3 years.

02 It provides phone alarm by applying artificial intelligence TTS technology.

With TTS (Text to Speech) technology, the voice is more powerful than any alarm.
Provides a guided alarm.

03 The data analysis engine provides a variety of mathematical operations.

What value do you need based on the sensor data? Put in your math formula.

04 Provides a data sharing experience where QR Code is used.

Have you tried real-time data sharing? Take a QR code and share it.

05 Provides system management functions implemented with RSG technology.

It implements Radionode System Guard (RSG) technology made with years of field experience to provide network disconnection, battery warning, power outage monitoring, and data loss prevention.

06 It provides an automatic linkage function with the national institution informatization system.

We support Korea's institutional information system. Livestock Environment Management Institute,
Participate in ICT projects conducted by EPIS Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Food Education and Culture Information Center, etc.
There is. When you select the sensor you want to link with data, it is automatically
Data is sent to the agency.

RN365 product introduction
RN365 is a subscription service. Annual fee payment in progressIt's possible.

The price list below is based on Korea. Costs vary slightly from country to country.


data view
data view basic chart
data view basic chart

Graphs and hourly average data values ​​are shown in tables and graphs

The Most basic chart, showing sensor data in its original form

Select inquiry period by 24 hours, 1 week or 1 month

data comparison chart
data comparison chart

Charts of multiple channels show sensor data in raw form

Up to 8 channels can be compared simultaneously

Search period can be selected by 24 hours, 1 week or 1 month

Application example: Check refrigerator performance by comparing the temperatures of multiple refrigerators at the same time

Accumulated Amount Query/Graph/Table
Accumulated Amount Query/Graph/Table

Converts the data at each time point to cumulative amount and displays them in graphs and tables

Up to 2 channels can be compared simultaneously

Select inquiry period by 24 hours, 1 week or 1 month

Application example: Converting flow rate and instantaneous power data into flow rate and electric power to inquire cumulative amount

Uptime query/graph/table
Uptime query/graph/table

Shows the uptime of a specific device in graphs and tables

Up to 2 channels can be compared simultaneously

Search period can be selected by 24 hours or 1 month

Usage Example: Daily Pump Uptime Query

Deviation time query/graph/table
Deviation time query/graph/table

Graphs and tables show the amount of time a specific sensor is out of standard conditions

Up to 2 channels can be compared simultaneously

Search period can be selected by 24 hours or 1 month

Application example: In the case of vaccines, the sum of the times outside the storage standard temperature can be immediately checked

Daily Report
Daily Report

Report name, person in charge, and channel information written on one A4 sheet of daily report form

Displays the average, maximum, and minimum values ​​of channels per hour in the form of a table

Offers line, area, and column charts

If you set upper and lower limits on the chart, you can immediately check whether it is out of the normal range.

If you schedule e-mail delivery, you can receive the report by e-mail at the set time period.

Weekly Report
Weekly Report

Report name, person in charge, and channel information written on one A4 sheet of daily report form

Displays the average, maximum, and minimum values ​​of channels per hour in the form of a table

Offers line, area, and column charts

If you set upper and lower limits on the chart, you can immediately check whether it is out of the normal range.

If you schedule e-mail delivery, you can receive the report by e-mail at the set time period.

Monthly Report
Monthly Report

Report name, person in charge, and channel information written on one A4 sheet of daily report form

Displays the average, maximum, and minimum values ​​of channels per hour in the form of a table

Offers line, area, and column charts

If you set upper and lower limits on the chart, you can immediately check whether it is out of the normal range.

If you schedule e-mail delivery, you can receive the report by e-mail at the set time period.

MKT Report
MKT Report

Report automatically generated based on monthly data in one A4 MKT Report form

Company logo, report name, person in charge, channel information, channel statistics (maximum/minimum value, average value, MKT), installation location, anti-counterfeiting QR code, alarm sending details, operating standards (appropriate temperature range, equipment setting temperature), payment column indication

Line chart provided

If you schedule e-mail delivery, you can receive the report by e-mail at the set time period.

Schedule sending email
Schedule sending email

If you schedule e-mail delivery, you can receive the report by e-mail at the set time period.

emergency alarm
Threshold deviation alarm
Threshold deviation alarm

If an appropriate range is specified for each channel, an alarm is sent to the person in charge when the threshold is exceeded

Alarm sending method: phone call, text message, email, dashboard (color change, blinking display)

Application of TTS multilingual voice engine to notify risk in the language of field personnel

Multiple alarm recipients can be assigned to the same channel

Alarm recipients can be designated by day of the week

Multiple titration ranges can be assigned to the same channel

Possible to set exception conditions for alarm sending (ignore first notification, ignore duplicate detection, set exception time for alarm sending)

Usage example: Set exceptions for sending alarms at 10-11:10 am during normal shipping, set a XNUMX-minute first notification ignore period so that alarms are not sent for a while while vaccines are being taken out

Network disconnection alarm
Network disconnection alarm

Send an alarm to the person in charge when sensor information cannot be collected due to site network disconnection

battery replacement alarm
battery replacement alarm

Send a battery replacement alert to the person in charge when the device's battery is low

blackout alarm
blackout alarm

When a power outage occurs at the site, an outage alarm is sent to the person in charge

Alarm address book management
Alarm address book management

Able to register and edit contacts to receive alarms

Contacts for receiving text messages and contacts for voice calls can be registered separately

Bulk address book upload/download possible

Alarm rejection days can be set for each person in charge

Alarm sending/detection history inquiry
Alarm sending/detection history inquiry

Check the alarm detection/transmission history by setting the search period

Inquiry of the channel name where the alarm was detected, normal range, deviation value, alarm sending type, sending message, alarm reception status

dashboard alarm
dashboard alarm

Display notification by changing the widget color to red when a channel deviates from the threshold in the widget view dashboard.

In the image view dashboard, a notification is displayed by changing the color of the widget and blinking when a channel exceeds the threshold.

send phone alarm
send phone alarm

Phone alarm can be set menu: Threshold deviation notification

SMS/LMS alarm sending
SMS/LMS alarm sending

SMS/LMS alarm setting menu: Threshold deviation notification, network disconnection notification, battery replacement notification, power outage notification

Send Email Alert
Send Email Alert

E-mail alarm setting menu: Threshold deviation notification, network disconnection notification, battery replacement notification, power outage notification, report

Deviation management
Deviation management service
Deviation management service

Automatically recognizing that a deviation event has occurred and assigning an incident number

A Deviation Report is automatically generated at the end of an incident

Report expression information: deviation occurrence channel, deviation occurrence time, duration, graph, alarm recipient, etc.

Possible to describe the cause of the incident and the action taken in the Deviation Report

Automatically search for the point in time when deviation occurred, move to and view past events

Credit management
Give phone notification credit
Give phone notification credit

Credit deduction for sending phone alerts

You can top up your phone credit only as much as you need

rechargeable 500 cases/year 500 cases/year> 1,000 cases/year 1,500 cases/year
text notification credit
text notification credit

Credit deduction when text alerts are sent

You can top up your phone credit only as much as you need

rechargeable 1,000 cases/year 2,000 cases/year 4,000 cases/year 5,000 cases/year
Give email notification credit
Give email notification credit

Credit deduction when sending email alerts

You can top up your phone credit only as much as you need

rechargeable 500 cases/year 2,000 cases/year 4,000 cases/year 10,000 cases/year
Credit usage history management
Credit usage history management

View monthly/yearly credit consumption details

See when/what type of alerts were sent out the Most

It is possible to establish an annual health and safety budget by identifying past credit consumption history

Provide proof of credit charge expenditure

Device and channel management
device management
device management

QR code device registration support

IP band device registration support

After device registration, information management such as device name, number of channels, installation location, remaining battery level, and power outage management

Sensor channel management
Sensor channel management

After channel registration, information management such as channel name, unit, current value, signal strength, measurement period, transmission period, and latest update time

View historical data charts for 2 weeks from the selected date and download measurement values

Add virtual channel
Add virtual channel

Creating virtual channels by applying calculation formulas to channel combinations and channels

Application Example: Calculation of dew point by combining field sensor values, that is, temperature and humidity values

Download Data Backup
Download Data Backup

Search for the year in which you want to back up data and back up/download data on a monthly basis

Measured by each device Data measured at each measurement cycle can be downloaded as a CSV file

FTP server backup available

Download PDF/CSV/Excel file
Download PDF/CSV/Excel file

Supports various file formats so that sensor monitoring information can be downloaded and used immediately

Data storage
Cloud Serivce data management
Cloud Serivce data management

Save data related to monitoring such as measured channel data (sensor value) and usage history to the Cloud Serivce

Maximum Cloud Serivce storage period: 3 years in the past from the current point in time

15 일 20 channels 40 channels 80 channels 160 channels
Real-time Widget Dashboard
Real-time Widget Dashboard

Numeric widget showing sensor values

A text widget that converts the sensor value into a state by section and informs you

Cumulative Usage Widget

Uptime Widget

Threshold Time Out Widget

Full screen that can be used as a status board reflecting the customer logo

Quick report that tells you the sensor value every hour

Real-time image dashboard
Real-time image dashboard

Numeric widget showing sensor values

A chart widget showing sensor values ​​and fluctuation trends

A point widget that indicates whether the threshold is exceeded

Displays an alarm by changing the color of the widget and blinking when the threshold is exceeded

Multiple image views can be registered

When setting the full screen, the registered image view is sequentially switched and displayed

quick report
quick report

Utilize widgets that require special management in the widget dashboard

Notifies the person in charge of the sensor value by SMS at each set time slot

security management
Usage history management (Audit Trail)
Usage history management (Audit Trail)

Query who, when, what, and how manipulated in relation to monitoring

Check payment history

View user access history

System notification history inquiry function

Up to 5 years of history can be checked

Search history only for 24 hours
Administrator/User ID
Administrator/User ID

Differential privileges by separating administrator and user accounts

The initial subscriber becomes an administrator and the administrator can add users

Administrator/User ID
(1/0, simultaneous access not allowed)
Administrator/User ID (1/1) Administrator/User ID (1/2) Administrator/User ID (1/5) Administrator/User ID (1/20)
Open API
Open API support
Open API support

Provides a Radionode365 interface for developers to easily use data related to devices and channels

JSON/XML support as Open API output format

Provides data within up to 24 hours

Limit number of calls per minute per IP: up to 10
